BBBS-Mercer launched its Sports Buddies Mentorship Program in 2022. Sports Buddies offers individuals the opportunity to be matched with a Little and participate in monthly sports-related activities planned by the agency.

The program takes place at the Boys and Girls (Ewing) club every other Wednesday from 4pm-5pm.

To be considered for the program, applicants will need to attend a virtual orientation and intake interview. Adult applicants will need a background check and all applicants will need to submit references. High School students who are at least 16 years old can participate as Bigs. All Bigs must have their own transportation to the Boys and Girls Club.

The Program runs during the academic school year and breaks for the summer.

Each Big Brother or Big Sister is matched one-to-one with a child. Sports games are planned and there is also a snack time.

Sample activities include disc golf, flag football, whiffle ball, basketball, soccer, and volleyball.

If interested, please complete an application. Orientations for the new school year (2023-2024) will start in September. BBBS staff will reach out after an application is completed.

Stay active while having a profound impact on a child in Mercer County. The application process and requirements are the same as in the Community-Based Program.

For more information, please contact Jo Molnar at

If someone asked me if they should become a Big Brother or a Big Sister, I would say, ‘absolutely.’
— 2019 Big Couple of the Year member Sandy McGonigal